Tag Archives: epemc

Tag Archives: epemc

EPEMC’s GPT-4 Bots: Gateways to Knowledge

The Extended Plasma-Electromagnetic Cosmology (EPEMC | epemcgateway.com) has embraced AI technology by introducing a series of GPT-4 bots. Each bot serves as a unique portal into various scientific and philosophical domains, aligning with EPEMC’s mission of promoting open-source cosmology. Let’s explore these innovative tools. 1. MIMS 1 & 2 Research Bot (https://chat.openai.com/g/g-xvYq0ZfSp-mims-1-2-research-bot) Bridging material and immaterial […]

MIMS & You

Hi all,this isn’t your usual TCM blog post. I wanted to introduce you to a powerful new philosophy category I’ve been engineering which using Plasma-electromagnetic Cosmology (PEMC) and Chinese metaphysics in order to create a very cogent, Judeo-Christian friendly, world respecting system. MIMS is short for the Membranous Interface of Material and Spiritual. It’s a […]