What do we need to do, besides breathe, speak to God, and get some acupuncture, in order to maintain clarity and sanity in today’s world?
We need to remember what the focus of our lives are. If you have a family and kids, that’s easy enough. You just keep your eye on their needs.
If it is in your career, then focus on how you’re helping people and improving your career.
If you struggle with the safety and security question: get martial arts lessons, or improve your skills (many regions). Focus on solutions.
Focusing on solutions tends to improve one’s outlook. If a person loses this focus, they are going to be drawn into conflict, drama, and trouble in this new world.
I tend to write papers, and make projects. I like hiking, using my www.hiddendestinationsky.com map app you can load on your phone. I like to make new things, like the EPEMC Gateway and www.startergrower.com (for business owners.)
Whatever you do, make sure it improves your H’s:
- Happiness
- Holiness
- Harmoniousness
- Health
- Wholesomeness
We can cheat a little on the last one.
If it doesn’t do these things, it’s probably NOT Yang Sheng, so is it any good for you? No. It just drains the two matters: Life & Essence.