So the data is now coming back. First there is a lot of science which pre-existed Coronavirus, which clearly shows that disease pathogenesis and pathology is increased in closed quarters. This is not controversial in science (while “social distancing” as a hypothesis was completely untested), it is well known even in epidemiology, for example like pericarditis/endocarditis, influenza, MRSA, etc.
Japanese studies show that for COVID-19 forced quarantining of healthy people increased their odds of infection 18x, and in fact, this also is reflected in the WHO data where you can see that during lock-down, the American death rate per infection increased from 1.12% March 23rd all the way to over 6%. Only now that people are waking up to the fact that they should, can, and ought to leave their homes, resume work, open businesses, etc. and otherwise act normal with some minor precautions, do we see a subsequent fall in infection and new deaths (velocity and deceleration). PS you can compare the pre-isolation trend projection vs the current trend, and you can see clearly that Isolation orders did in fact increase chance of infection and chance of death by several orders of magnitude. This is grounds for lawsuits on many levels, and I encourage people to consult a good attorney and seek restitution in extreme cases.
REGARDING MASKS: they only preventing outward infection, not getting infection. You have to be in an infectious state to infect via air exchange. Such people should voluntarily isolate themselves, just like with Flu.
REGARDING TRACERS: this is unconstitutional, un-American, unscientific nonsense that has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with control and fascism.
REGARDING VACCINES: there isn’t one. Irrelevant at this juncture. All the push from Bill Gates is again propaganda, not science at this point. He is not a doctor.