As you could guess people call us a lot about low back pain. Half the time people call it “sciatica.” But real sciatica starts in the buttocks region then erupts in the calf and down the leg.
What you probably have is lumbago, or sacroilliacitis, or a spasmodic QL or iliopsoas (a hip pain). Chances are if you say it comes from the mid-low spin or sacrum area, you are a recipient of other problems.
Sciatica is fairly simple to deal with, the others tend to be more difficult, and range from pelvic tilt issues to disc problems, facet damage, arthritis, and of course, hip/back imbalances that started acute and became chronic due to repeated trauma.
In any case, you need a weekly plan. You probably need a twice a week plan so you can vary your treatments with cupping and tuina. But it needs to be regular. You should call now or book online!
Sciatica is best treated with motor point resets when it flares, and in bursts, and if the IT band is involved, that has to be released as well. But it should be shorter to treat. Everyone is different and treatment is no guarantee of results. But, like as not, people average a 48% reduction in pain in a single session. That’s not bad for no drugs, no surgery, no chiropractic!