That sounds strange, doesn’t it? But the truth is that no matter how many layers of health you peel back to reveal a “rotten” layer of the onion, the fact is more remains. Why is this? Well, suppose you got rid of “ALL” physical ailments. Why, there’d still be the mind, spirit, soul, social/life, and financial layers of your health! And suppose you finally had a clear mind, no stress, and a “perfect” diet. Then there is still sin and karma. And regarding sin if you get saved you still make new karma. You can’t stop making karma. And if you get enlightened you are still a sinner. No judgment from me, just sharing the old wisdom! As one Chinese master put it “we are all thieves of the Earth” (nature).
So what can be done?
It’s been said by a much wiser man than I that all health is really a process, not a destination. That balance is not a final state but a complex and harmonious juggling act. That you will always find something “sloshing” back and forth in the jug. You don’t want any dirt in the water of your jug, but you also mostly just don’t want too much sloshing, or too little water! Well, I understand that. The Chinese Sciences are all concerned with this.
As for how a good Christian should approach things, you trust in the rain to fill the jug, and you clean the dirt but realize you cannot get it all out. Fair enough.
But then how does the onion turn white again after so much time in the cold fridge of life? You keep peeling. Layer after layer, tear after tear. You cut out the rotten parts, and keep peeling. And eventually, you reach a new core. And while you explore that core, you will grow new layers. This cannot be helped. The Infinite Onion rules all your health goals and journeys. From a sprain to cancer, and from puberty to mental crisis and back to a balance again we call “adulting.” But the truth of it is that the onion is not always stinky, and it is not always acidic, but it is very often just that. You need to be patient with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were you.
Go easy on You
Here’s another truth: if you weren’t who you were, you wouldn’t have the people in your life you do. So take stock of what you have, and don’t be too negative about your health. At least you have it. When you no longer have an onion to peel, that’s when you’ve got either no problems at all, or a whole new big one. Something to think about.
Come in and let this medicine “peel the onion” for you, with you, and let us help you along that journey. Book online or call 859-533-0914 today!