Hi, this is Ramon, your friendly neighborhood acupuncturist. Arwen and I together have over 20 years of needling experience and an exemplary record. Nevertheless, recently Facebook has banned us from advertising for sharing an article about tension headaches and acupuncture. We should, first and foremost, be able to share anything we want. But this is well within our bailiwick and our level of expertise. It is an algorithmic attack upon the altstream and everything we stand for with freedom and our rights as parents to feed our kids. We need your help.
- Please go to Google Maps and Facebook and leave us a Five Star Review. These really help the SEO rankings.
- Contact Facebook and let them know this behavior is unacceptable. They don’t make it easy.
- Contact your Congressmen and women to let them know that these Big Tech discriminations and Big Brother shenanigans are out of control and threatening businesses. We do rely on technology and social media to reach audiences. It’s just how things are done.
- Please consider old-school word-of-mouth referrals. We help a lot of people and we know you’re out there and you’re busy. But there sometimes is a need for help even with established businesses.
Again, I want to remind everyone this is what it is like under an ESG+WEF new world order, and they can do it to anyone. So please consider going to www.FREETH.US (that’s Free the US) and learn about my anti-ESG score. Write your representatives and explain your support of a better non-Socialist/non-Fascist version of a score. We all want accountability from corporations. But this is not it. Algorithmic persecution is un-American, and it has the potential to destroy family and small businesses.
Thank you,
Ramon Careaga, MSTOM, BSEE, L.Ac.