Having looked at many “American Style” diets, I can tell you which color dominates, way too much: White. And with white, starchy foods and dairy, we see also an excess of sugar and Dampness. Dampness is an internal humidity, but it is associated with leaky gut, candida, yeast, fat, and excess estrogen as well as a weak thyroid. In short: such a diet is killing women one way or another.
Men are guilty of too much white, too. There is a continuous daily consistence of 30-60% of the dietary calories coming from carbohydrates, and if there is meat almost too much chicken. Then there’s the sugar.
Hand in hand with a dairy heavy, damp diet, is a tendency to consume phlegmy foods and beverages (like milk, soda, and OJ). So what I recommend is this: do a food journal, track the various colors, then the # of calories they represent. From there you can see what % of your diet – roughly – is corresponding to. If your white daily intake is over 40% do not be surprised if you are now “apple” or “pear” shaped. That plumpness is the body’s way of storing for the “bad times.” In nature, these kidns of calories are hard to get.
So remember, from part 1 and 2, eat well, and diverse. Look for times you “snapback” and carboload up as a response to “eating well.” Those are signs of addictive habits or deficiencies in the diet.