There is a little known problem among adults, called functional or Adult scoliosis. It causes back (and therefore hip) misalignment issues, which often go undiagnosed for years and decades. It’s easily clinically diagnosed with the Adam’s Skyline Test, but how many doctors are doing clinical tests anymore? Think about the ramifications of this: your sine has a subtle curve, but noticeable enough to a simple test. This means your muscles and fascia will react, possibly encapsulate or go into chronic spasm. To add to this your fascia develops fascistis and in your muscles and tissues, even into the skin you can develop Sha (sand) which blocks all therapeutic progress including massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic.
It can get worse…
Beyond this issue, we get to the facts of what happens when it is not dealt with. Think about the continuous stress on one side of the vertebra over the other. There will be stenosis, sclerosis, DDD, arthritis, and fusion in the long term. The curve’s problems will go up an down the spine, and especially into the neck and yes, down into the SI joint and across to the hips. As the SI joint and S1-3 begin fusing or ossifying, you will see impingement on the nerves that innervate the hip and legs.
What can be done?
What can be done is mostly motor point acupuncture, guasha, cupping, and tuina, in alternation. In other words, you’ll need a plan. Following this you need to do exercises which align the spine, and watch for problems in posture, motion, and routines (such as weigh lifting or work habits) that will cause the habit of functional scoliosis to return, even after treatment.
So be sure to ask for a Skyline test, and come in and let’s see if you have sha, alignment problems, etc. And don’t forget you can call or book online. Also, don’t forget to read the Hip Pain articles parts 1, 2, and 3!