Tag Archives: tuina

Tag Archives: tuina

Beyond Acupuncture: Embracing a Holistic Approach to H.E.A.L.T.H. at Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture

At Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture, we believe that true health transcends beyond just treating symptoms. Our holistic approach ensures that each aspect of your well-being is addressed, making acupuncture just a part of our comprehensive health services. Holistic Energetic Alternative – not a last resort! Longevity-oriented Transformative-therapeutic Healing art with a scientific basis Holistic […]

Harmonizing Body and Mind: The Integral Role of Objectivity in TCM

In the complex world of healthcare, the distinction between objective information and subjective experience often blurs, especially when understanding the intricacies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM’s diagnostic system, deeply rooted in the observation of patterns and macroscopic information, highlights the importance of balancing empirical data with individual experiences. This blog delves into the critical […]

Tiny Girdles & Channel Lock

People frequently complain of conditions like Carpal Tunnel, or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or Frozen Shoulder, etc. But little do they know that there is an underlying energetic cause. For background, imagine that of all the vertical channels that move throughout the body, you have one Master horizontal vessel call the Girdle Vessel or Meridian (Dai […]

Hip and Back Pain part 4 – Adult Scoliosis

There is a little known problem among adults, called functional or Adult scoliosis. It causes back (and therefore hip) misalignment issues, which often go undiagnosed for years and decades. It’s easily clinically diagnosed with the Adam’s Skyline Test, but how many doctors are doing clinical tests anymore? Think about the ramifications of this: your sine […]

Neck Pain

Necks are quite complex, actually. There’s a lot going on in them in a small amount of distance and space. There are muscles, bones, discs, veins, arteries, lymphnodes, glands, a voicebox and the floating hyoid bone, and of course nerves. What causes your neck pain? Mostly it is problems with the facets between the vertebra […]


There are 6 different kinds of TCM headache disorders, caused by 5 different vectors. Also there are issues like Migraine which belong to Bi Tong (painful obstructions), or tension headaches which belong to disorders of the channels. You have headaches? The good news is TCM treats all of them fairly well. Effecting a cure for […]